A GLITTERING gala dinner evening awaits the cream of Vale Royal business talent on Wednesday, June 15.

For those shortlisted in the prestigious Vale Royal Business Awards will be invited to Portal Golf and Country Club, Tarporley.

The awards have been organised by Guardian Series Newspapers together with partners Vale Royal Borough Council and Business Link Cheshire and Warrington.

The evening will start with a three-course meal followed by the presentation of the awards and entertainment.

Peter Brown will be the after dinner speaker.

From solicitor to Crown Prosecutor to after dinner speaker, he is said to be as entertaining in court as he is at any function.

A prosecutor in north Wales (where he was born), he has spoken at functions since 1975.

'Away day' shoplifters, an enthusiastic police dog, disgruntled defendants and attractive sheep all come under his scrutiny as he regales his audiences with an outrageous look at the law.

Entries are already arriving for the Vale Royal Business Awards, now in their second year.

For those still undecided on whether to enter the competition, all the details of this year's events with award categories, all the criteria needed, and how to enter the competition are available on our informative website, which can be found on www.valeroyalbusinessawards.co.uk.

Clr Keith Musgrave, leader of Vale Royal Borough Council, said: "Vale Royal Borough Council believes that a successful business economy is crucial in achieving the council's mission statement, which is 'Vale Royal - a great place to be'.

"One word can sum up business in Vale Royal - diversity.

"Naturally some businesses loom larger than others but the council is fully aware that everyone is important to the well-being of the borough.

"The council is delighted to be able to sponsor this prestigious awards event that celebrates achievements of businesses."