WORK is set to begin on a major redevelopment project in Moulton that will give teenagers a place of their own by summer.

Plans to transform the playing fields, off Main Road, have been in the pipeline for almost three years but work on the first phase of the £200,000 upgrade will finally begin this month with an official sod-cutting ceremony planned for early May.

Moulton Parish Council chairman Mark Green said: "We are delighted that we have been given a start date.

"Groundwork Trust has been very good in helping us work with contractors and we are looking forward to a trouble-free build."

A multi-use games area and a shelter with seating for teenagers will be constructed as part of the first phase of the project, which could be ready by the first weekend in June.

Mark said: "We hope and expect to see it in full use during the school summer holidays."

The village's Children's Playing Field Trust is currently starting the process of grant applications and fundraising for the second and third phases of the project, which are set to include providing separate play areas for juniors and toddlers.

Mark said: "The project is not just for the teenagers - we're planning to re-do areas for juniors and toddlers with new equipment and fencing for safety."

The project will also see new rubbish and dog waste bins provided on the playing fields, something villagers have been crying out for after an increase of littering in the village, including broken glass in the safety matting at the current play area.