ONE of the oldest clubs in Winsford is appealing for people to pull together and stop it from going out of existence.

Winsford Liberal Club in Siddorn Street, which is more than 120 years old, has seen a steady decline in membership during the past few years and its future is now uncertain.

Wilf Mahon, committee member, said: "We are desperate for members to keep the place going.

"We have a lot of great facilities here and it is such a shame that things seem to be going downhill because it is such an old club.

"We used to have 700 members and now it is down to less than 100."

Wilf believes it is a change in the lifestyles of young people that has led to the sharp decrease in membership at the club.

He said: "A lot of clubs like ours are struggling because the younger generation aren't into this sort of thing anymore.

"They prefer to stay at home and watch television and it is a problem for clubs."

Despite suffering at the hands of vandals the club still has a range of facilities that Wilf hopes can attract back customers.

He said: "We have a great bowling green and if we could get a team going to play here it would be great.

"It is a pity that such a good bowling green isn't being used more.

"We used to have the best bowling team in the area and won the league for 12 years on the run and I don't see why we can't get that sort of success back again."