TOP cops enjoyed five minutes of fame when they stepped into the spotlight last month.

Vale Royal's finest took to the stage at Oaklands Hotel, Gorstage, to receive awards and certificates of commendation after making outstanding contributions to policing.

Exceptional officers and star staff members in units such as CID, Community Action Teams and finance were among those who picked up certificates handed out by Chief Supt Tim Jackson.

He said: "These officers and staff are a credit to the Force. They have shown commitment, dedication and professionalism and I'm grateful to each and every one of them.

"Lots of work goes on day in, day out, by officers throughout Vale Royal. Much of this work goes on behind the scenes and many people have no idea just how hard officers and staff work.

"The people who have received awards are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of police staff and officers who are doing a sterling job."

School teachers and a dog warden also took to the stage after their part in police work.

The cases they and the officers were involved in range from an attempted abduction, an arson attack and a stalking case.

lawards went to constables Christopher Williams and Rebecca Talbot as well as headteacher Hilary Berry and teachers Judith Wicksted and Claire Edgeley after a man attempted to abduct a child from Over Hall Primary School.

A spokeswoman for Cheshire Police said: "The staff acted in a courageous and vigilant manner making critical decisions that resulted in the safety of a very vulnerable child."

PC Williams and PC Talbot attended the school following the incident on June 8 last year and carried out a number of video interviews with young and vulnerable children involved in serious sexual offences.

The work of the officers meant a very dangerous individual was arrested and subsequently convicted and sent to prison for two-and-a-half years.

lTHREE commendations went to officers that saved the lives of a Winsford mother who threatened to kill herself and her son in a house fire.

The incident took place in the early hours of March 13 last year when the woman contacted her ex partner to tell him that she and her son would not be alive for much longer.

The female and her 12-month-old son were rescued from the blaze but, without fear for their own safety, officers Robert Tandy, Clare Ellis and Darryl Heaton entered the house to make sure there was no one trapped inside

All three were eventually forced back by the flames but managed to evacuate nearby residents and control the situation until fire crews arrived.

The woman eventually pleaded guilty to arson and was sent to prison for three years.

l THIRTEEN officers were commended for their work investigating the death of a 21-year-old Winsford father.

Mark Lucas died when he was hit by a stolen car as he cycled home on Wingfield Place on September 11 last year and tension on the Over Estate increased dramatically.

Officers at the scene PC Darryl Heaton, PC Gary Donovan, PC Mark Whitmarsh and Sgt Paul Beauchamp dealt with traumatised witnesses and also managed to preserve evidence at the initially chaotic scene.

The investigation was headed by Det Ins Andy Southcott supported by Det Con Robert Scrannage and PC Guy Hopley who provided essential evidence about the vehicle examination.

Insp Brian Roberts was instrumental in preventing incidents of violence and damage and disorder to escalate on the estate following the incident.

Family liaison officer Rupert Venables and PC Christopher Williams were also commended for their work with both the victim's family and the family of the offender.

Also commended for their work in the investigation were acting Insp Peter Minghella, Con Triston Holleron and helpdesk staff member Jocelyn Clark.

lTHE success of operations conducted with the help of Winsford CAT to take Class A drugs of the streets has led to commendations for three officers.

Sgt Gavin Day, Det Sgt Liam Furlong and PC Steven Huxley were all recognised for their work to bring two Winsford drug dealers to justice.

One of the criminals was caught when Sgt Day and Det Sgt Furlong spotted him in a car in Northwich.

A spokeswoman for Cheshire Police said: "With no thought for their own safety they approached the vehicle on foot.

"He was found to be in possession of a substantial amount of heroin and crack cocaine."

The officers also targeted a man who had been involved in the supply of heroin and crack cocaine in the Winsford area.

The suspect was spotted in Finsbury Walk and after a violent struggle the officers managed to recover 10 bags of heroin.