A PAIR of Winsford teachers have returned home after spending two years carrying out voluntary work in a poverty stricken area of Nepal.

Colin and Sandra Upham, of Carisbrook Drive, worked as advisers for the Nepal government in an attempt to improve the country's education system.

Colin, 57, former head of sixth form at Verdin High School, said: "It was humbling, interesting and very hard work from both a social and cultural point of view.

"We were in the Rautahat district which is the poorest of all the 75 districts of what is a poor country anyway.

"This was something we both wanted to do for years and we are pleased we did it."

Colin and his wife Sandra, 59, who taught at Willow Wood Primary School, set up a five year plan for education in Nepal and the couple are hoping they have laid the foundations for a bright future in the region.

Colin said: "We knew when we first went that we would only be able to scratch the surface but I believe we have made a difference to many lives.

"We managed to increase the number of girls attending school significantly which was extremely pleasing.

"There are two young volunteers carrying on with what we started and we will keep in close contact."

"We made thousands of friends out there.

The couple are now looking to take life a bit easier and enjoy their retirement.

Colin said: "It was the conditions out there that were the most difficult part, with the snakes, rats and cockroaches.

"I'm not sure what our plans are now but we are definitely going to take it easy for a bit."