Work goes on to save wetlands

VITAL work to enhance some of Cheshire and Europe's most important wildlife habitats has now been completed.

With the aim of preventing the drying out of wetland areas causing loss of plant species, birch trees and invasive rhododendron have been removed from the edges of meres and mosses in areas including Sandiway.

Cheshire County Council worked in partnership on the £20,000 scheme with various site owners including Cheshire Wildlife Trust, Vale Royal Borough Council, the Forestry Commission and the Pettypool Trust.

Steve Wilkinson, environment strategic panel chairman, said: "The funding made available from a variety of sources has made a valuable contribution to the restoration of wildlife habitats along the mid Cheshire Sandstone Ridge.

"This area is the first phase of the ecological network for Cheshire."

Work will continue on the individual sites, either through grazing or continued scrub management.