CHILDREN were devastated after the solar light they put on their grandmother's grave was stolen.

They clubbed together to buy the light for Doreen Sadler's plot in Runcorn cemetery.

But less than a week later it was stolen.

Doreen's husband Peter said: "Don't these thieves have a conscience? Every time they look at it, don't they remember where it was stolen from?"

Peter, 60, a process worker at Ineos Chlor, said his grandchildren bought the lamp for the first anniversary of Doreen's death.

Kirsty Bennett, Chelsea Bennett, Charlotte Coles, Katie Coles, Connor Coles and Jamie Gilbert bought the lamp between them.

"They were devastated when we went up there and saw the lamp was gone," said Peter.

"They saved up their pocket money for weeks to get something for their Nan."

Doreen died, aged 59, on March 20, 2004. Her grave is in the cremated section.

Peter, of Sandy Lane said: "It could have been yobs in there at night who took it because there were all beer cans and empty bottles nearby."

He wanted to address the thieves directly.

He said: "One day your mum or someone you love so much will be in there, they will have a grave where you visit and all you can give them is personal things that mean so much to you - then you will know exactly how it feels.

"If you have any morals - put it back on my wife's grave."