A SAFETY strategy has been released aimed at reassuring the community on issues of crime and disorder in Vale Royal.

The Vale Royal Community Safety Partnership published its three-year community safety strategy on Thursday and hopes it will lessen the public's fear of crime.

John Roberts, community safety manager at Vale Royal Borough Council, said: "We have identified what is happening with hard facts and matched that with what the public is asking us to do.

"Reassurance is a big issue.

"Crime is reducing but people don't believe that. But it isn't the public's problem that they don't believe it - it is our problem and we will try with this strategy to help them believe it."

The strategy, which is the third to be released by the safety partnership, will set the priorities, aims and objectives against which success in reducing crime will be measured.

Mr Roberts said: "There is evidence to show that the partnership is working and I think there is a sense in the community that it is making a difference.

"It is about learning how to do things really and this latest strategy is the result of feedback from the public as well as the results of the previous strategies."

The strategy has been developed in consultation with a wide range of individuals, organisations and agencies and it is hoped it will help the police to tackle crime and disorder in Vale Royal.

Copies of the strategy are available in libraries, information centres and also by visiting the partnership's website at wwwsafervaleroyal.co.uk.

A more detailed version giving some statistical information and targets will be placed on the website in the near future.

The strategy will address issues including:

l Crime reduction and dealing with offenders

l Anti-social behaviour and the implementation of ASBOs

l Community engagement and satisfaction

l Reduction in the impact of environmental crime such as graffiti, criminal damage, abandoned cars and fly-tipping

l Reduction in the impact of violent behaviour including domestic violence and racial crime

l Reduction in the level of repeat victimisation from both crime and anti-social behaviour

l Reduction in the impact of drug and alcohol abuse

Just how crime free is Vale Royal? Do you think Winsford and Northwich are safe places to live, work and socialise and is the fear of crime greater than than the reality?

Email your views to northwich@guardiangrp.co.uk.