A DISABLED man from Moulton is asking whether provisions have been made for wheelchair users at Northwich Railway Station.

The man, who does not wish to be identified, is hoping that when the station is refurbished, access will become easier for the disabled.

He said: "As the station is ticketless and has direct access, has any provision been made for wheelchair access to both platforms?

"You can depart in Manchester's direction and return in the Northwich direction but not return or leave on the other side.

"Disabled people have awful problems using the overhead walkway and the steps down to both platforms."

A spokesperson for Northern Rail said they were totally committed to improving access to the rail network for customers and the company was committed to adopting the services, standards and guidance outlined in the Strategic Railway Authority's code of practice.

He said they were working with a number of organisations to find ways of making improvements to stations.

He said: "We appreciate Northwich is a difficult station in terms of disabled access to the Chester bound platform because of the footbridge.

"We would recommend that customers use another station with more appropriate facilities whenever possible for their own comfort.

"If they need assistance getting to another station, we are always happy to help them."

l SHOULD transport companies be forced to make suitable arrangements for disabled people?

What sort of problems do the disabled still face despite the fact that the Disability Discrimination Act has come into force.

We want to know your views. Write to us at 15 Market Street, Northwich, or email northwich@guardiangrp.co.uk