American youth loves English culture classes

A TEACHER from Northwich has been named Cultural Educator of the Year in the United States after introducing Pancake Day and Cadbury's chocolate to his class.

Stephen Billington, former student of Sir John Deane's College, won the title ahead of 1,800 cultural exchange teachers currently employed on the Visiting International Faculty programme (VIF).

Mr Billington, 32, left his junior school job in Buckinghamshire two years ago to embark on the VIF scheme. It gives teachers the chance to live, teach and travel in the US as a cultural ambassador.

His lessons including the Beatles, Shakespeare and English football have become a favourite with children at Ashburn Elementary School, Virginia.

He also led a 'Taste of the World' multicultural night for the community.

School principal Julie Boyd said: "He is warm, caring, exceptional educator who willingly offers his talents for the good of the children and the school as a whole."

Beryl Billington, Stephen's mother, said: "I'm so proud of him. It's just brilliant news.

Mr Billington will return to his parents Magdala Place home with wife Karen and two-year-old son Joseph in early June.