GOING down to Northwich town centre on March 23 was like a breath of fresh air.

My husband said he could hear music and on walking further, we discovered it was the singing friar, Father Francis. We stopped and bought a CD from him and went and sat outside the cafe and had a coffee.

On reflection the music he was playing will never go out of style.

He was proclaiming the Gospel of Our Lord. We are not Catholics but it brought tears to our eyes, especially when he was singing one of our favourites How Great Thou Art.

We all at some time in life have a moan or a groan.

As Father Francis was singing 'Oh Lord my God when I in awesome wonder, consider all the world Thy hands have made', maybe the world could be a better place for everybody to live in, because each of our lives is precious.

My gran used to tell me if you see somebody without a smile, give them one of yours, it will brighten their day.

She also used to tell me, when I asked her what was the best religion, that there is only one God and one religion and that is living our lives by helping people less fortunate than ourselves.

Sometimes it only takes a minute of our time and if we don't sometimes it's too late.

Father Francis is doing a wonderful job, not only for our own country but for Africa as well. So if you see him on your travels, please stop and listen to his music and long may he continue to sing and oblige.

