IN reply to Clr Ann McEllin, one can hardly call Lostock a village any more and I was not condoning the development of the former garage site, I was only pointing out that whatever is built on that particular site will pale into insignificance with what's about to happen a few yards across the road.

The fact is Lostock, along with many other areas of Vale Royal, has been grossly over developed.

I was born in Lostock and the place has always meant a lot to me yet now I am ashamed at what I see.

I always believed a parish council's main purpose was to look after the interests of its parishioners.

Clearly over the past 25 years this has not happened.

Three working farms in Lostock ensured the surrounding farmland was always well kept. We have no farms now hence the dirty, unsightly appearance of everywhere one looks.

We had a lengthsman who took pride in keeping the village spotless and free from litter. Now no one bothers with litter and filth everywhere.

What would the beautiful young men of the village, who willingly gave their lives for us, make of the fact that 60 years on we are not allowed a basic simple item like a seat in the churchyard or even a tap with which to water flowers? This is how low society has sunk.

Police indifference to so-called minor offences and vandalism has allowed the situation to become out of control.

Young people of 40 years ago committed vandalism but we were soon caught and taken to court. And yes, it put most of us on the straight and narrow.

I can still remember the name of our village bobby from more than 40 years ago. It's etched on my mind. Never has society needed the village bobby more than it does now.

It makes my blood boil when I see long-serving councillors receiving accolades, usually from other councillors, when in reality they should hang their heads in shame.

Compared to 30 years ago, Lostock is a tip and unlike our parish council chairman, I believe the Lostock Triangle development will be the final nail in the coffin for any sort of quality of life in Lostock.

