THE March meeting of Pickmere and District WI was opened by president Joan Webb. Members were informed of the sudden death of Mrs Mack. A minute's silence was held in her memory.

The speaker was Mrs Lea. She demonstrated how to make cards, pictures and numerous others items using pressed flowers. Firstly she gave a brief explanation on how to press flowers in order to obtain good material to work with. You don't have to purchase expensive presses, just some blotting paper.

This, together with newspaper, hardboard and some very strong weight, is all that is required.

While demonstrating ,Mrs Lea talked about the history of pressed flowers. In the early years they were used for scientific purposes but now time has passed it is recognised as an art form.

Pressing flowers takes up to three weeks and so she had brought along with her a selection of flowers already pressed. Mrs Lea showed members how to make cards, pictures, draw liners and many other items.

Refreshments were provided by Mrs Hobley and Mrs Macmillan. The competition for a miniature flower arrangement was won by Mrs Dixon, second Miss Whitlow and third Mrs Whitlow. The raffle was won by Mrs Davies and Miss Webb.

The next meeting will be on April 27, when the speaker will be Mrs Anning on the experience of being a store detective.