THERE was a touch of spring in the air with the arrangements of seasonal flowers displayed in the village hall for the March meeting of Lach Dennis WI.

President Olive Reed welcomed members and final arrangements were made for the annual dinner at The Three Greyhounds on March 30.

Sylvia Holmes reported on the recent council meeting in Winsford Civic Hall and remarked how much she had enjoyed the event, particularly a talk by the WI national president Barbara Gill.

With the aid of slides, retired headmaster Gordon Farr transported his audience to the fields of Willaston County Primary School where, on the fourth Saturday in June every year, the World Worm-Charming Championship take place.

The first event was in 1975. Contestants now come from various countries and the rules have been translated into many languages. Tom Shufflebotham holds the record with 511 worms in 30 minutes.

The competition for an arrangement of spring flowers was won by Vera Hardman, second Olga Thornton and joint third Olive Reed and Joan Faragher. The next meeting will be at Lach Dennis Village Hall on April 11 at 7.30pm when Stephen Sanders will talk on the role of toastmaster.