THE latest venue for Vale Royal and Knutsford Ramblers was Ruthin in North Wales on March 27.

Stuart Gardiner led the A party on a demanding 15-mile walk, starting from Llanferres, taking in the heights of Moel Plas, Moel Llanfair and Moel Gwy, some 2,800ft of ascent in all.

The return to Ruthin covered the final height of Foel Fenlli. The B party, led by Ron Bowker, left Ruthin for Coed Plas-y-Nant to join Offa's Dyke Path.

The return, via Nurse Gorlan and Craig-Fechan, completed a journey of 12 miles and 1,200ft of steady climbing.

Roy Downs took the C party on a nine-mile circular walk from Ruthin, visiting Maeslian and Merllyn, to head back via Graig-Fechan. For coach bookings, contact Pat Lilley on 833800.