THE March meeting of Moulton WI opened with Jerusalem.

On arrival each member was given a tube of Smarties that, when the sweets were eaten, members were asked to fill up with whatever they could afford to donate towards the refurbishment of the WI House conference room.

President Gladys Kirkham congratulated the quiz team, which had come fourth out of 19 teams in the recent competition, gaining 100 per cent in the history round.

Members were reminded that Moulton VE celebrations are on May 7 and Gladys appealed for volunteers for the cake stall.

She then introduced Major Barbara Walls from the Winsford Branch of the Salvation Army, whose enjoyable talk gave an insight into the beginning of the Salvation Army.

She went on to tell members about her work alongside her husband and how it has taken them to many parts of the UK, starting in Ireland when they were a newly married couple and now in Winsford, where they have served for several years.

The competition for an Easter bonnet was won by Lesley Easter, second Doreen Percival and third Gill Targett. The raffle winner was Dot Meadows. Tea hostesses were Lesley Beeley and Mo Hewitt.

The next meeting is on April 11 at 7.30pm, when members will hear about the history of the parish council.