A THIEF has stolen a radio that landlords and traders have been using to alert each other to criminals in Knutsford.

The radio operators may now have to change the radios' frequency in case the thief is also tuning in.

"Somebody could now be listening to all the conversations between traders and landlords," said Clive Young, who monitors the town's CCTV cameras.

"It has been a lot better recently because the traders have been talking among themselves rather than going through us."

The £250 radio - plus its charger - was stolen from The Red Cow in Canute Square.

Manager Amanda West had recently joined the Knutsford scheme to help reduce crime in the town centre.

Shortly after the theft, traders were warned not to broadcast names so that suspected criminals would not know if they were being watched.

On Thursday Mr Young said the theft of the charger meant the operators had to take action.

"If all he the thief had got was the radio then he would have had no way of charging it and the radio would run out within two days," he said.

More town traders had recently joined shopwatch so they could alert each other about potential shoplifters and troublemakers.

This week Mr Young warned all businesses to keep the chargers hidden and separate from their radios.

"Keep them in a back room where the public does not have access," he said.