Hi there, this seems a bit strange, me emailing something like this, but I'm a student nurse and I work with a nursing agency.

About six weeks ago I was doing an agency shift at a nursing home, which used to have caves from the sea underneath where an old lady lived, called mother Red Cap.

Since working there, now and again I have seen various things. But I definitely saw something and I got the impression it was a woman. And since seeing her, I've become more perceptive and keep seeing more stuff, more like shadows with colours, almost like an aura.

I was on placement in ITU, and I started to become more perceptive especially where death was concerned. Has this experience opened me up, or am I going mad?

Alison McGrann, Wallsey, Wirral

Hi Alison,

The spirit world can use all sorts of methods to open up someone to their psychic abilities. Many people I have worked with on various locations have left with the feeling of becoming psychic overnight, although they have gone as a complete sceptic.

If they want you to be opened up or convinced they have the power to do this. Don't be afraid of what you see, feel or hear. You are completely protected by family and your own guides always.