I would like to know if my spiritual guide could have been my late cousin who I never met. I used to have an imaginary friend when I was little and I always felt someone was always with me.

The name I used for my imaginary friend, I have recently found out is the same name as my late cousin.

Jayne Griffiths, St Helens

Hi Jayne,

No, your cousin is not your spirit guide and yes, we don't know who they are. Our spirit guides on this side but this does not stop our family coming through and trying to nudge us in the right direction.

We made a pact with our spirit guide to help us experience life on this side. I am not saying your cousin is not advanced, but your guide generally does not need to come down and experience life as much as we do now. That is why they are guides.

What has happened, your cousin has been that strong they have been able to communicate with you as a child but your guide has allowed this communication to go on.

You're always protected by your main guide and your cousin.