Is it possible that something I did in a previous life could affect the one I am living today? Since leaving school over 18 years ago nothing seems to have gone right.

I am currently now living on my own, in a job I hate and can't see any light at the end of the tunnel (so to speak).

Nicola, Warrington

Hi Nicola,

No is the answer. You can come back to learn the lesson again and maybe you do the same as last time but if you do not learn from the physical lives, you are taught the lesson on the spirit plane.

The problem with life is you feel that you are going nowhere because you compare it with others. But in the end you're only developing your own spirit. Qualifications may be the problem you may be thinking about and this is stopping you progress.

You want more out of life and you're not getting it. Well, change your attitude. Also there is a lady who liked a drink who would like to say hi and I can smell smoke as well.