My mother died last June very suddenly, at the age of 58. Her passing was troubled and fraught and I often wonder if she is now 'settled' and at peace.

I often wish to see a medium of some sort, to have contact with her, and to know she is with us, but have been told that I must wait for at least a year has passed.

Amanda, Knutsford

Hi Amanda,

Sometimes spirits have to go back and heal. They have to be stripped of the body karma. What I mean is, if they were very ill they have to be helped to release the body and the family ties. They want to come back or not go but they have to go to be recharged. So this is why they say wait a year.

I recently did a reading for a charity event. The family who had organized this had lost a child to meningitis six weeks before. The first person to come in was the grandmother. I could see all the family stood at a distance spirit family but they would not come close. I realized this was a member of the family and I said, 'I am sorry I cannot make contact with your granddaughter.' She said ok and left very sad.

About three readings later, the auntie came in. I knew straight away the family appeared again and I said, 'sorry I cannot make contact with this child.' I did a bit of a reading and that was that.

The last person to walk in was the mother of the child. She was 25 years old. I looked at her and even though she did not look anything like her mother or auntie, I knew she was the mother. The strangest thing happened all the family disappeared but remained there. I felt them and the daughter appeared with their energy.

I started talking to the girl about her daughter's habits, life and love. I asked her does she have any questions, yes does she like her room. All I could see was this wall of teddy bears, I told the mother this and she got up and walked off. I got up and started to leave the place, feeling a bit rejected. And the girl caught me leaving. 'James,' she said with a big smile on her face, 'Thank you. I know she is alright now.'

The event, which went on for a couple of days, the psychic event was the last, raised about three thousand pounds for meningitis. Now, was that the gift from the little girl or the mother? So if they have to come back today tomorrow or five years later the spirit world will help.