Hello James. My wife and myself have a daughter and son. We live in a council house and have done for the past eight years. We have been told by several people that the house is haunted by an old lady who had a Labrador dog.

The only place in the house that has a cold feel to it is my daughter's room. This is the room the old lady died in. This is also the room strange things have happened in. My daughter has had something blown in her face a number of times. She has had things move in the room and she has heard strange gasping noises, as if someone is trying to catch their breath.

As I said, this only happens in the small box room at the back of the house. Could you advise me what to do next please? Thank you.

Kevin, Hexham, Northumbria

Hi Kevin,

Do not be afraid. If you ever feel like this is getting on top of you, call in your own family and friends from the other side. They will be there without question.

I feel a gentleman has been already to see your daughter from the other side and seems a very close member of the family. I just get the impression your daughter has been talking to someone as well in the room but it does not feel negative or anything like that.

I know this sounds mad but ask them to turn the heat up in the room. And ask them to stand back. Or make themselves known to you with a tap or a light. You have to be very strong to do and say this because they well do it for you, so it can be slightly scary at first. If all else fails you can contact a medium who lives nearby to help them go over to the other side.