Please can you help me. My husband took his own life and I don't know why as he had everything to live for. I feel I cant move on with my life.

If you can help me find out why and will I ever move on and meet someone else? I don't think I can ever trust a man again. Please help me.

Susan, Dublin

Hi Susan,

Some would say it takes great strength to take your own life. Others would say how weak a person is. You need to move on and live your life now to the full.

I think you have been in the dark long enough. You feel you are going to be alone now forever. You won't. But don't go looking for the duplicate of your husband. It's not fair on you or the new man.

I know why people take their own life. As this question has come up many times, spirit has answered me. But we are always left with guilt on this side. Could we have stopped it? I wish I had not said that. I wish I had done this. But if you look at it, everyone says the same thing when they lose a member of their family, whatever the circumstances.

There were worries going through your husband's head before this happened. Lots of things he kept to himself. Some you know now, others you will never know or get to the bottom of. You have and always will be a good person. He knows this and he is sorry for everything that has happened before and since.

He wants you to turn the page and start afresh. A new chapter, and learn not to make mountains out of molehills.