I AM writing in response to a letter printed in last week's Knutsford Guardian from an angry, unselfish mother.

I, too, am appalled by the attitude of many disabled and able-bodied people without children in Booths car park.

Over the past seven years I have struggled with my now three children, plus all the shopping, in a space that isn't wide enough to open the car doors fully, while selfish people park in the few wider spaces allocated to parents with small children. I have even gone so far as to complain to the manager of Booths but while he was sympathetic he said he couldn't do anything about it.

I have also spoken to the men who collect the trolleys to see if they can do anything.

They told me that they were bombarded with a load of abuse.

To add insult to injury the few spaces we had have been reduced to four by the placing of a trolley park in one of them.

Like the lady last week, I too have spoken to disabled drivers who seem to think that it is their right to park in a parent and child space. What would happen if we dared to park in their spaces, of which they have many?

We would be facing a parking fine. Where is the justice in that?

Maybe Booths could issue their own badge for parents with young children in the hope that it would stop these selfish individuals from parking where they shouldn't and save the few wider spaces for people who really need them.

