WEAVERHAM Wolves U11s avenged their early season defeat at Burtonwood Bulldogs with an 18-14 win in the return fixture.

Things started well when Dom Jones charged over from 20 yards out and carried over several defenders in one of his typical blockbusting runs. Tom Beddard slotted over the extras from out wide.

Weaverham looked much the better side and seemed to be heading for an easy afternoon, but an excellent break from Burtonwood allowed them to narrow the gap to two points with a well taken try.

Wolves never had a chance to regroup before Burtonwood took the lead with another good try.

Toni Woodward and Chelsea Hodgson then started to lead the way with some big tackles and this inspired Weaverham to take charge again.

The second half was a different story as Burtonwood camped in the Wolves' half, but this time it was Weaverham with the stout defence and lightning fast breaks.

And it was Dom Kelly who broke the stranglehold Burtonwood had on the game when he showed strength to break the line before racing clear of any would-be tacklers to score after running the length of the field. Tom Bailey coolly added the extras to give Weaverham the lead again.

Beddard then bulldozed his way through the Burtonwood line and Conor Webster made it 18-8 with the conversion.

To Burtonwood's credit they never gave up and scored a converted try just before the whistle to give the game a nail biting finish.