YOU may be the only person they see all day.

Big-hearted volunteers who deliver meals on wheels are often the only visitors to Halton's elderly and housebound.

"These people don't see anybody from one day to another," said Sue Knapman, WRVS regional operations manager. "Seeing a volunteer on a regular basis with a meal is something they really look forward to."

Nourishing meals are delivered to 300 homes throughout Widnes and Runcorn every week.

An enthusiastic team of men and women give up their time seven days a week to make sure hot meals are provided.

"Social contact is very very important," said Sue. "This service enables people to stay in their homes."

If you could spare a little time, once a week or once a fortnight, the WRVS would love to hear from you. They are looking for drivers and helpers to carry the meals into peoples' homes in both Widnes and Runcorn.

Many retired people who have become volunteers say they've made lots of cherished friends and find the work very rewarding. The rotas are flexible so you don't feel tied if you want to go away on holiday or visit relatives.

Call 0151-638 5960 for more details.