CELEBRATIONS to mark the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War are well under way.

Her Majesty, the Queen will host a lunch for veterans in Buckingham Palace on VJ Commemoration Day, Sunday, July 10, after a historic show in Horse Guards Parade.

Halton veterans plan to parade through the streets on VE Day, Sunday, May 8.

We hope to share your memories in a special four- page supplement.

Sixty years on, it's difficult to imagine the feeling of relief and joy for those who lived through the bombs.

We want you to tell us where you were and what you were doing in 1945, when jubilant news came through that the war was over.

Perhaps you were only a child and can remember the triumphant street parties?

Or were you dancing for joy in one of the local clubs?

How long did you have to wait for your loved ones serving overseas to come home?

You didn't have to be in the frontline to feel the effect of the conflict as everyone had to 'do their bit' for the war effort.

What was life like living on rations in the blackout?

Was your family split up or did you look after an evacuee? Were you one of the women toiling in a munitions or chemical factory while the men were at war?

Send your memories to: Sixty Years On, Widnes & Runcorn World, 162-164 Albert Road, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 6LJ or email newsroom@worldgroup.co.uk, by Wednesday, May 4.

We'd love to borrow your precious photographs. If you can come into our office, we can scan them in straightaway and won't need to keep them.
