A WOMAN was left 'devastated' after vandals smashed a family headstone to pieces in a graveyard.

Margaret Richards discovered the damage at Halton Village cemetery last week.

Her grandparents 'gravestone had been broken over a cross shaped grave.

"I couldn't believe it," said Margaret, 66. "The bits were all over the grass. "They must have picked it up and smashed it from a height."

"I was stunned because it's been there for 40 to 50 years and nothing's happened. I was just devastated.

"I can't explain how I felt. All I want to know is why did they do it?"

The grave was for William Whitby, Francis Whitby and Joseph Whitby, Margaret's uncle.

William Whitby was Mrs Richard's grandfather.

He was the father of John Whitby, who was well-known in Halton Village for his home-based green grocery business and the cart he used to make deliveries.

Margaret is not sure if she will get a replacement.

"I don't know what to do because if we get another one it could happen again," said Margaret, of Halton Road.

Police crime reduction advisor Phil Buckley said: "These offenders should search their consciences.

"I don't know what satisfaction they can get from committing this type of heinous crime and if anybody has any idea who they are please contact Runcorn police or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."