One death dominated the thoughts of many over the past weekend - the death of Pope John Paul II.

He was a world and religious leader whose influence had been great.

A man of faith, but open to other people of faith.

A man who served his Lord and God through his holy life and served his people to the end by the example his holy death.

A man named Karol Wojtyla.

There have been other names and other deaths to capture the headlines - Terri Schiavo died in Florida on Thursday, 13 days after a feeding tube keeping her alive was disconnected.

On pages within this newspaper appear yet more names of loved ones whose passing is mourned.

Death has claim to that ultimate statistic - 100% of people die at some point. No amount of money can alter its ultimate inevitability.

The message of Easter still speaks out that love is stronger than death; that in Christ death is acknowledged not sidestepped but experienced and 'lived' through.

We must live His risen life for others, not with a morbid fear of our own death but with awe and hope.