Performers of all ages and abilities are needed to fill a range of male and female roles in the production that is based on real life accounts of people living and working in the salt industry, on the canal and river boats in Cheshire.

A casting for the play will take place at Barnton Primary School, in Townfield Lane, from 7pm on Monday, April 11, and Thursday, April 14, and anyone interested in the technical side of the production is also welcome to attend.

Salt Tellers, is a two tier play written by Moulton author Robert Meadows and will be directed by Jim Johnson, artistic director of the Gateway Theatre in Chester.

The play will be performed from July 5 to 9 at The Lion Salt Works in Marston and The Anderton Boat Lift.

Fro more information about the play ring the DAN office on 01606 41597.

History of salt set for Cheshire stage debut