SO the council think congestion charges would be a good idea.

A few years ago we were told all the traffic lights in Warrington were to be linked to a main computer which would read the traffic flow, yet there are numerous sets of lights that give no priority to traffic turning right, which causes no end of congestion.

And we, the motorist, could make things a little better by not continually blocking the yellow junction boxes, particularly the one outside the Original Wire public house.

Even the police seem unconcerned about this, like the one sat in his panda car in front of me last week as we both watched the lights change to green three times before we squeezed through, but who steadfastly refused to leave his car and have a quiet word with the offending motorists about the extra congestion they were causing.

And what of all the new accommodation which is being built in the town centre?

Maybe the council thinks all the new residents will only have bicycles.

Apart from Midland Way, I'm struggling to think of one new road that's been built in the past 10 years. So Mr Councillor, if we can't have new roads, maybe we could have a little better than the farm tracks that we have now.

And if you wonder what I mean, drive down Hawley's Lane if you dare. And as for congestion charges, no thank you!


Great Sankey