MEMBERS of the borough council's development control committee have approved a controversial 17.5 metre high phone mast on Birchwood Way, Risley.

Despite a plea from borough and parish councillor Jill Bolton, who spoke on behalf of Birchwood Town Council, to refuse the application, members felt that they were left with little choice than to reluctantly approve the mast.

Clr Bolton criticised the telecommunications company O2 for a lack of consultation with the local community.

She said: "In reality, this is about the first mast of the new third generation, (3G), network and we aren't happy about the approach of O2 in the consultation process.

"We appreciate that we have to have them but not in this piecemeal fashion.

"We want them to come along, tell us how many they need and how best to go about it.

"They are rolling out these 3G masts by stealth instead of being open about it."