A MOTHER has paid tribute to her son who was the inspiration behind a ground breaking new awards ceremony.

The Volunteer Recognition Awards ceremony was dedicated to the memory of Mark Rushton, a Warrington Disability Partnership volunteer who died in February.

Joan and Stephen Rushton, both aged 55, of Honiton Way in Penketh, were awarded an honorary certificate at the WDP ceremony.

Mrs Rushton said: "It was a very proud day. The award stands for Mark and for all the volunteers who give up their time.

"Mark's condition didn't stop him enjoying himself. He loved his work with the partnership and was very enthusiastic."

Mark was born with spina bifida, a spinal condition that meant he was a wheelchair user all his life.

He attended Warrington Collegiate before undertaking an ACE work experience project with the WDP.

The eager volunteer enjoyed it so much that he decided to stay on, a decision that Mrs Rushton says was because of the personal empathy he could bring to the role.

She said: "He was able to help other people with their problems and able to draw on the experience of his own circumstances."

Mark's work for the charity reflected his love of rugby league and his passionate support of the Warrington Wolves.

Dave Thompson, WDP chairman, said: "Mark was keen on communications and became editor of our in-house newsletter, producing half a dozen newsletters with a really good flavour of our work.

"He met Andy Gatcliffe, the Wolves chief executive, and undertook a project researching accessibility at Super League grounds."

Mark was instrumental in his help with designs for The Halliwell Jones Stadium Mr Thompson said: "Mark's work will be continued as rugby league fans can see the information on the website www.disabilitypartnership. org.uk."

Mrs Rushton said: "He was fanatical about the Wolves and was determined to make a success of the project."