IN REFERENCE to letters about the traffic calming issues on Nantwich Road.

May I first say that looking at the picture published in one of the local papers of a local councillor standing at the roadside, it does indeed look like the problems of speeding and congestion have been alleviated with the help of speed humps, pelican crossings, traffic lights and the 20mph signs.

But this is not a true reflection of what it is like at peak times; it is complete and utter gridlock.

I am quite certain in saying that a lot of your readers would like to see the same type of picture taken at peak times, and then discuss how well it's working.

With the amount of traffic at certain times of the day on Nantwich Road more and more motorists have started to use Manor Way as a quick route to bypass all the so called traffic calming measures and, therefore, turned it into a race track.

As you should be aware there is an infant school and an old folk's home in Manor Way, therefore, the children, the elderly and the residents are finding it difficult to cross the road from one side to the other.

It will not be long before there is a serious if not fatal accident down Manor Way unless this issue is looked at.

Bob Jones

via e-mail.