DO ANY members of Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council have any sense?

Firstly we have the moving of the monument nobody wants moving, the godawful roundabouts and traffic lights that make driving in Crewe a misery and now fortnightly refuse pick up?!

We only need to look at Winsford to see how much cleaner and better it has got .. firstly, there is high levels of fly tipping and people chucking rubbish in empty houses and gardens and secondly there is a problem now with rats due to the rubbish and the obvious stench.

Who is thinking up these ideas?

Hire me, I know plenty of ways to sort out Crewe.

Leave the monument alone, get rid of the unnecessary stop and go roundabout, which only lets three cars at a time through - take down some of the traffic lights that have been placed around like there is no tomorrow and also put something decent in the town for people to enjoy ie amusements for all the family, especially for youngsters and teenagers.

If Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council has money to burn, why not just use it to reduce the cost of living here or actually do something for the people here to enjoy themselves.

Stop wasting money on nonsense and make Crewe the best place to live, after all, I left Winsford due to all the problems there, now it seems I'm gonna have an encore.

Tommy Mordecai

via e-mail.