THE search is on to find participants or their relatives who took part in the May queen celebrations in Statham Village during the 1920s and 1930s.

Geoff Bibby is researching its history and wants to get in touch with those involved.

He wants to speak to the following people who took part in the 1920s celebrations: Samuel Artinstall, Heywood Brookes, J Brooks, H Clark, George Ditchfield, Ernest Edwards, Jack Gilbert, William Gilbert, Arthur James, E Leather, Edward Lockyer, F Percival, George Percival, Harold Ravenscroft, F Sewell, Douglas Smith, Kenneth Smith, Tom Smith, Amos Summerfield, Willy Watts and Harold White.

The following took part in the Statham May queen celebrations in the early 1930s: Arthur Booth, Esmond Drinkwater, Sidney Endole, Norman Gilberts, Laurence Hannon, Arthur Higgins, William Higgins, Frank Jackson, Kenneth Jolley, William Jolley and Harry Rosser.

Mr Bibby said: "They were all about 11 or 12 years old at the time and they are likely to be grandparents or great-grandparents of some of the Warrington Guardian readers in Lymm."

He is also hoping to get in touch with Christine Talbot, the Lymm May queen and Margaret Smith, the Lymm rose queen, of the 1962 celebration.

Call Geoff on 812725 or e-mail