A YEAR on from the introduction of a radical new scheme to crack down on thuggish behaviour in Culcheth and the situation in the village is getting better.

But there are mixed reviews on the success of the county's first anti-social dispersal order.

The order, which prevented groups of youths from congregating together after 9pm, was brought in last August to combat anti-social behaviour and ended in February

But, while youngsters said the measures were too stringent, many villagers said that they failed to fully tackle the problems.

Clr Keith Bland, member for Culcheth, said the order had worked at first but needed more support.

He added: "For three months, it was great because the police put the resources in.

"After that, though, it got worse. It won't work if there are not the resources to police it. I'm not blaming the police, they need extra money. But we have still got the drinking problems but it has not been as bad as it was in the last few months."

One youngster, who did not wish to be named, said the end of the order was great news.

She explained that when the order was invoked, it tarred many youngsters with the brush of being vandals and criminals.

She added: "Most of us simply want to see our friends. I don't think it made any difference and hopefully now things will get back to normal."

A mixed response to dispersal order