Photographic Society

by Bob Robinson

THE Mayor and Mayoress of Warrington, Clr Ted Lafferty and his wife Pat, were welcomed to the society's annual exhibition and awards evening.

Winners this year were Malcolm Tavlin, Bill Clayton, Matthew Tavlin, Ken Barrett, Bob Robinson and Norman Cuthbert.

After the awards presentation, Clr Lafferty congratulated the society on the standard, presentation and quality of its work which was on display.

The society was founded in 1886 by a group of enthusiasts and the original president was Mr TJ Downs, managing director of Greenall Whitley's Brewery. Today's president is Bob Robinson, who considers it a great honour because of the society's history.

Now based at The Quays Community Centre, Latchford, the society does not have the space to house a prolonged exhibition and continues its quest to find somewhere to exhibit its annual exhibition of competitive work.

This modern, forward thinking group of individuals - male and female - share a wealth of talent and great enthusiasm for photography and would welcome new members who want to further their knowledge.

It meets every Tuesday at 7.30pm from September to April. For details, call Bob Robinson on 831699, Sean Brierley on 232495 or log on to