BACK in the early 90s, music was a little different. Whereas now you have Franz Ferdinand, Kasabian and Scissor Sistors, the 90s had the original versions of those bands: Divine Comedy, Stone Roses and, erm, Elton John.

As the music scene was overwhelmed by trippy hippy, shaggy-haired, Manc and faux-Manc tripe along came some real rock music as Nirvana had their breakthrough album Nevermind.

This is undoubtedly a classic album and everyone should own it. But why would you want to rewatch a 'making of' DVD?

The obsession with DVD extras has reached the point that they are even making extras for albums now.

It is, though, a great way to see the art and creativity involved in the creation of Nevermind.

The contributions of producer Butch Vig are particularly interesting as he isolates the vocals, double tracks and instrumental sections of songs. It gives you a new insight into tunes you have heard a thousands times.

Unfortunately the extras, apart from a live performance of Polly, are pretty pointless being, as they are, just 'deleted scenes'.

Worth watching but something you are unlikely to want other than as part of an 'I have everything by Nirvana' collection.

Steren Hallmark