IMAGINE, if you will, that Winston Churchill was in fact a GI who bagged the Queen and saved the day, single-handedly.

That's the premise of this spoof, which features Christian Slater and Neve Campbell.

Hitler has infiltrated the royal palace, the war is practically over and the cigar-chomping Churchill has been charged with saving the day.

In one sense, it works - if you agree that every American Second World War film makes out that they single-handedly won the war, even if that involves 'tweaking' the history books a little. But that's about it.

In almost every other way, this film fails to hit target. Despite every British comedy star making an appearance somewhere along the line, there just aren't enough things to laugh at.

It looks cheap, the characters are all over the place and Slater hams it up like his career depends on it.

It's not a keeper, it's not particularly funny and I dare say it's not even worth renting for a boring midweek night in.

Joel Sawyer