A COOL youngster is being hailed as a little hero after dialling for help when his mum collapsed and lost consciousness on her bedroom floor.

Dazed and paralysed with pain, Julie Whitehead, of Acacia Avenue, came round 10 minutes later, screaming to her six-year-old son Scott for help.

She said: "I started to panic. It was about 11am, my eight-month-old baby was in the room next door and my husband Jeffrey was at work."

Showing remarkable composure for his age, Scott, who attends District CE Primary School, tried to help his mum on to the bed, but she was in tremendous pain and could not move, so he went and telephoned his uncle Shane for help.

The brave youngster carefully placed a damp cloth on her forehead and wrapped her in a blanket, while waiting for paramedics.

His 37-year-old mum added: "Scott was amazing. He didn't cry or panic.

"He went downstairs, turned off the house alarm and phoned Shane who called an ambulance."

Julie was treated for muscle damage to her back and heat exhaustion.

Julie, a mobile hairdresser, said: "My little boy was absolutely brillant, the next day he brought me breakfast in bed to make sure I was ok. It was the first time anything like this has ever happened to me, but since then I have been having dizzy spells."

Scott was rewarded with a Spongebob Square Pants Playstation game from his parents and money from his mum's customers.

And teachers are planning to congratulate him during assembly next week.

"We are all so proud of him," said a beaming Julie, who has already told neighbours about his actions.

"He's our little hero."