A COURAGEOUS fireman suffered head injuries fighting the raging flames of an arson attack on Saturday.

Newton firefighter Steve Haughton was rushed to Warrington Hospital after falling during the blaze at Sankey Valley Industrial Estate.

Mr Haughton, who has worked at the Borron Road station for 26 years, received stitches to his head and treatment for twisted knee tendons.

The 48-year-old is now recovering at his home in Plattbridge, Wigan.

Graham Hatch, Newton Fire Station commander, said: "It is a serious matter to have one of our officers injured.

"Steve is a valued and experienced member of the team.

"I attended the scene and this underlines the dangers inherent to the job and the risks caused by deliberate fires."

A 15-strong team and three fire engines attended the scene at 4am, working for two hours to tackle flames that had engulfed three articulated lorries containing hundreds of tyres at DTS Transport.

Steve, a father of two, said: "I'm up on my feet now and trying to exercise to get my knee working again but finding it difficult to walk. But my head will take a while to heal."

Although the brave fireman is on the road to recovery, it could be two months before he returns to work.

Wayne Leput, aged 38, transport manager for DTS Transport, said: "The damage has cost us £3,000 and now means that we won't leave vehicles here - it's too risky."

And it was a lucky escape for DTS lorry driver John McMullen, aged 50, whose home is a caravan in the company's yard - just 20 metres from the fire.

Mr Leput added: "It was a near miss for John.

"If our guard dog had not woken him, the blaze would have engulfed the caravan, which has gas bottles outside."

Just six days earlier, firefighters were called to a blazing waste disposal lorry at Incomestyle, a neighbouring business on the industrial estate.

That fire is also suspected to have been started deliberately.

Merseyside Police are investigating this latest incident and anyone with information can call the Crimestoppers hotline, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.