IT will soon be an animal's kingdom in Walton after a £60,000 revamp at the children's zoo.

Following the cash injection from waste recycling company, Wren, workmen moved into the animal area at Walton Hall Gardens yesterday, Wednesday, for the first stage of the revamp.

The facelift is scheduled to coincide with the celebration of the garden's diamond jubilee next month.

The money will be spent on a purpose built visitors centre, new fencing and animal learning zones for rabbits and poultry, charting their evolution.

The aviaries will be home to some of the zoo's new additions, including three types of rabbit-lionhead and two seven-week-old bunnies tomorrow, Friday.

In addition, three new breeds of chickens will be introduced in May.

Peter Cookson, head ranger at Walton Hall Gardens, said: "This is a very exciting time. I'm very pleased with the new look for the site. The idea is to make it more interactive for children and become a place where they can get hands-on learning and display the work they have done here."

The visitors centre will feature an animal inspired mural completed by pupils from Bridgewater High School and St Thomas's Primary in 2001.

A spokesman for Wren said: "We are glad that our investment can benefit this area so much and hope the zoo will continue to thrive."

Throughout the year, rangers invite youngsters to work sessions, cleaning out stables and feeding animals and new activities are already planned incorporating the new facilities and arrivals.

For a chance to pick a name for the baby bunnies, read the Warrington Guardian next Thursday.