WARRINGTON'S princess of modern pentathlon Sarah Vandewalle makes her latest Great Britain appearance this weekend.

The 17-year-old from Westbrook is aiming to fence, swim, shoot and run to success for the national youth team in the Millfield International in Somerset.

Sarah, who competed for GB in Portugal last summer, has been chosen for the event on the strength of performances in selection events staged at the sport's high performance centre in Bath in January.

She will be challenging a field of over 100 participants from 14 countries.

Sarah, who was promoted on to the world class potential funding programme last year, has dreams of flying the flag for Great Britain at the 2008 Olympic Games.

But after this weekend Sarah will scale down her training to fit in with her A level examinations at The Blue Coat Grammar School in Liverpool.

Sarah trains with Warrington Athletics Club, Warrington Rifle and Pistol Club, City of Liverpool Swimming Club and Croft Riding Centre, although the riding element will not come into play at international level until she turns 19.