OVER the last couple of weeks Sue Jupp has took over from where fellow committee member Craig Wheeldon left off and bagged up on Spring Pool.

An afternoon session resulted in the capture of nine silver orfe to 3lb 12ozs 0drms, two crucian carp to 2-8-0 and a golden tench of 4-0-0.

However, whereas Craig fished off the bottom to gain bites Sue had to fish a little over depth to gain hers.

Carp action on Shakerley Mere remains a little low, with evidence of increased carp activity within the nature reserve section a probable explanation for the current state of affairs.

This could be due to an emergence of natural food or a pre-cursor to spawning activity following the recent warm spell.

Bream have been caught at night on the Mere, with the biggest reported going to Paul Rylance at 9lbs.

Paul has had better results fishing Belmont Pool, and has landed carp over 20lbs, with his biggest weighing in at 20-6-0.

This fish is known to Paul, and he states that it weighed a little more than 17lbs just over a year ago, indicating sustained weight increases.

Founders Pool has settled nicely to produce chunky roach and perch, with many around the 1lb mark and a few around 2lbs.

Bream and crucian carp are also featuring well to supplement catches, with big carp making a few appearances.

Founders is not covered by overstamp restrictions this year and is available to all our senior members throughout the year.

Please remember juniors are not allowed on this water, whether they are accompanied or not.

Another water available to all our members is little Manor Pool at Thelwall, where all the current action is courtesy of its resident carp.

The carp in this water average about 7lbs, with the biggest reported to be slightly into double figures.

Last year I was unable to confirm a report of a monster eel that was seen being played by a member, only for it to bite through the line at the net.

Any information on big eel captures would be much appreciated.

Lymmvale action is improving day by day with tench, chub and the occasional barbel producing reasonable action at the moment.

Water keeper Mike Wilkinson has now completed a document entitled Lymmvale Wildlife Audit, and it's a fabulous piece of work that has been a real eye opener to many, including myself.

The diversity of wildlife is impressive from tree creepers to woodpeckers, kestrels and robins that are included in the 55 species of birds.

They exist alongside 12 species of butterflies and 19 species of mammals and reptiles in a habitat made up of 56 species of tree, shrubs, wildflowers and plants.

I can be contacted on 411774, please be prepared to leave a message.

Neil Jupp