WELL done to Warrington junior squad member Richard Chung who wiped out the adult opposition in the 85 peg Whiteacres midweek residents' match at the famous angling holiday venue.

His father Phil also managed to boost the family coffers with a section win, and Richard's winning 53lbs net of mainly carp taken on the feeder and pellet boosted his holiday money by £120, won him a free holiday for his family, and wait for it - a prize of a beer for life at the venue (quite rightly hurriedly appropriated by his father).

But the icing on the cake was that the win saw him qualify to take part in the Parkdean Masters event in October.

Bailiff Barry Flemming took a spell off from looking after members' interests to fit in a few hours' fishing at Rixton Claypits.

Using a feeder and maggots treated with his own special flavouring he had 10 tench to 5lbs and a bream of 2lbs.

The first Association Match held on the Bridgewater Canal at Acton Grange Bridge was won by John Sharp with a net of 4-10-8 in his first ever Warrington cup event.

He had branches of a fallen tree in his peg, which must have provided enough cover to make the shoal feel secure because they never moved all day, despite boats going through the swim. His catch comprised of a few small skimmers, roach and gudgeon.

The bream are starting to feed on the Sandiway large lake with our bailiff reporting a specimen of 11lbs caught this week.

Members are reminded that under no circumstances must they introduce or move fish from fishery to fishery. Such irresponsible action could transfer disease and wipe out all the resident stock.

Also, aside from being banned from WAA, the matter would be referred to the Environment Agency where we would press for a prosecution in every instance.

Unfortunately, Cicily Mill Pool remains closed, but it looks like we will be able to open one side next weekend.

Working parties are going on over the weekend, so any volunteers are more than welcome to turn up at around 10am, or whenever you can.

Please contact me with any catch reports on 01928 716238, fax 713898 or e-mail frank@warrington-anglers.org.uk. HQ Parker Street will open as usual tomorrow, Friday, between 7pm and 9.30pm for subscriptions and new members.

Frank Lythgoe

Results: Association Match: 1, John Sharp 4-10-5; 2, Jim Byrne 2-9-8; 3, Alf Seddon 2-8-0; 4, Craig Richie 2-0-7.

Macclesfield Canal: 1, Graham Clear 3-11-0; 2, Graham Belton 3-3-0; 3, Bob Campbell 2-11-0; 4, Chris Grehan 2-7-0.

Disabled and Over 60s: 1, Roger Peet 4-14-0; 2, Ken Graham 3-6-0; 3, John Sharp 2-5-12; 4, Harry Newton 1-10-12.

Forthcoming events: Saturday: National Fund Match (Sankey St Helens Canal), draw 10am Carterhouse Crossing, book in with Craig Richie 07984 859701 or Cheshire Angling 635486.

Monday: Disabled and Over 60s, draw 10.15am Star Inn (pegs 278-308). Woodshaw Reservoir Junior Series, draw 5pm in car park, fish 6.30pm to 8.30pm.