AMBITIOUS plans to transform derelict land into a vibrant shopping and leisure complex could be thwarted - by one lone business.

Several buildings have already been flattened to make way for the £25million pound scheme.

But TP Textiles is standing firm, putting any future development on hold.

The run-down site near to Central Station is owned by Manchester-based developers Modus Properties.

Modus has submitted plans for the development which would bring shops, offices, leisure units, a cafe and parking space for nearly 1,000 cars to the this forgotten corner of the town centre.

Unused buildings have already been demolished including Grade Two listed buildings - the Bay Horse pub and surrounding cottages - but the scheme has never come to fruition.

In 1999 Modus said protracted negotiations over derelict properties on the site were putting the development at risk.

Now all that is left is the material shop TP Textiles.

It's owner, Malcolm Woods, did not wish to make a comment about future plans.

A Modus spokesman said: "The building will remain whilst the tenancy agreement is in place."