PARENTS whose children are born ill or premature can now turn to a new support system, set up by a Warrington parent.

Donna Plumb, of Gorse Covert, has set up 'Neomates', a new patient support group for parents who have children on the neonatal unit at Warrington Hospital.

Donna's own daughter, Cara-Lia Moran, was born 27 weeks into her pregnancy and despite weighing just 750 grams at birth and spending 12 weeks in the unit, Cara is now a bright and energetic two-and-a-half-year-old.

She said: "I wanted to do something for the parents of the children on the unit. It can be a very difficult time and I hope it will be helpful for parents to discuss their problems and feelings with each other.

"I'm also hoping that we can attract parents of former patients on the unit."

Sister Debbie Yates, from the neonatal unit, said: "A parent support group is a great idea."

Any parents of former babies on the unit who want to get involved in running the group can contact Donna on 820824 or Debbie on 445550.

Neomates held its first meeting on Monday and will continue to meet every two weeks in the family room from 2pm until 3.30pm on the neonatal unit.