CHILDREN are causing fires across Warrington, warn firefighters.

Last week the number of arson attacks doubled with the main areas hit being the Riverside Retail Park, Howley, and Bewsey.

In the week beginning March 14, there were 493 fires caused by children and teenagers. Cars, wheelie bins, buildings and grassland were all targeted.

John Noden, community safety officer, said: "We know when children with matches are the cause because firefighters either see them running away when they arrive or someone will tell them. They are normally daytime fires, rather than ones at 3am."

Town centre CCTV has helped to catch one arsonist who struck in the dead of night.

On March 3, a man who set fire to the refuse at the back of Halifax on Bank Street was caught on camera. He has since been charged, arrested and sentenced to 40 days imprisonment for criminal damage.

If anyone has any information about people causing fires, please contact in confidence either John Noden or Allan Perris on 639129 at Warrington Fire Station.