CAMPAIGNERS have slammed English Heritage after the Government agency declared that moving Crewe's war memorial to Municipal Square would give the monument "a more dignified setting".

A statement released last week revealed that the agency would not oppose the borough council's proposals, providing certain conditions were met.

English Heritage had previously given the memorial listed building status, and the Memorial Action Team (MAT) is now calling for the agency to clarify its position.

Frank Jones, MAT leader, told the Guardian: "I am absolutely dismayed by English Heritage's decision to not oppose the move.

"I would like English Heritage to clarify its position, since they agreed to give the memorial listed status.

"We've had more than 11,000 people voicing a protest against the move, and the number is still growing."

MAT complained to the Local Government Ombudsman after borough leaders put a decision on the move to the full council instead of the planning committee.

Mr Jones said the decision would lead to a conflict of interest.

He added: "The plain truth is that the council has chosen to ignore the listed status.

"It was the council's idea to move the memorial in the first place, so it's not right that the decision should be taken out of the planning committee's hands.

"The issue of preserving this monument is most important, and it's vital that the correct planning procedures are followed."

Council chiefs are currently conducting a public consultation on the plans, which form part of the proposed redevelopment of the town centre.

English Heritage said it would not oppose the move - but believed that certain issues needed to be addressed.

A spokesman said: "Work to enhance Municipal Square should be substantially carried out before the monument is moved, and following its removal, Market Square should also be enhanced.

"We have also recommended that conservation work to the monument be carried out by a qualified sculpture conservator, and that a management plan be drawn up for the regular maintenance of Municipal Square to ensure that the monument is properly cared for in the future.

"If these recommendations are implemented, we see this as an opportunity to give the war memorial a more dignified setting."